
A leading Belgian logistics real estate player

A leading Belgian logistics real estate player

4.5 MWh/ 2.2 MW
Logistics real estate
Joint investment
Bnewable and a leading Belgian logistics real estate firm are jointly investing in battery energy storage solutions at their sites. This initiative is part of a strong focus on reducing the environmental footprint at the partner's sites and further reducing dependence on the power grid. These battery energy storage systems will be managed by Bnewable's energy management platform and provide both local optimization and grid services.
Ambitious specialist in resource extraction

Ambitious specialist in resource extraction

9 MWh/ 4.5MW
Sale and operation
Bnewable is providing a 9 MWh battery energy storage system at a resource extraction site. The battery will help save costs by smoothing out the site's peak intensive electricity consumption and further optimizing energy flows with the PV system in place.
Innovative, sustainable transportation company

Innovative, sustainable transportation company

3.6 MWh/ 1.8 MW
A transportation company with a focus on innovation and sustainability is building a fast-charging hub in a strategic location to charge its new electric truck fleet as well as provide charging opportunities for nearby carriers. A battery helps this customer stay within grid constraints while charging and generate additional revenue through grid balancing services and energy trading when charging demand is low.
Fast-growing provider of fast charging infrastructure

Fast-growing provider of fast charging infrastructure

6 MWh/ 3 MW
A fast-growing developer of public truck charging sites often faced challenges due to grid connection limitations. Bnewable is accelerating the expansion of these charging sites by integrating batteries. These batteries support charging during peak demand and generate additional revenue through energy market trading and grid balancing services.
Family business with a passion for wood

Family business with a passion for wood

3.6 MWh/ 1.8 MW
Sale and Operation
A leading timber producer optimizes its energy consumption and saves costs with a battery system from Bnewable. The stored energy bridges periods of low solar production. Bnewable's energy management platform maximizes efficiency through energy trading and grid services.
A progressive bus company

A progressive bus company

2 MWh/ 1 MW
Bnewable is assisting a bus company in the gradual electrification of their fleet by setting up a smart battery energy storage system at their central depot. This system is coupled with a brand new medium-voltage cabin, on-site solar panel installation and fast-charging infrastructure for the buses. Bnewable optimizes on-site electricity flows, reducing the charging costs of the electric bus fleet by up to 30%.
Sustainable Belgian wood processor

Sustainable Belgian wood processor

2 MWh/ 1 MW
Bnewable integrated a battery energy storage system at a leading Belgian producer of wood products. Our set-up optimizes the self-consumption of solar energy, provides opportunities for demand response and energy arbitrage, and increases the reliability of energy supply.
Leading player in transportation and logistics

Leading player in transportation and logistics

4.5 MWh/ 2.2 MW
Transport and Logistics
Joint investment
Through a joint venture with a leading Belgian transportation and logistics company, Bnewable manages their fast charging infrastructure, solar panels and a battery energy storage system at their headquarters. Thanks to smart battery control, Bnewable will optimally manage the green energy flows from the solar panels to the charging hub.
Top European player in natural stone for various applications

Top European player in natural stone for various applications

2 MWh/ 1 MW
Mining and Extraction
Optimization of energy consumption, cost reduction and improved efficiency - these were the goals of this client. However, integrating renewable energy sources and energy systems during the energy transition proved difficult. Bnewable provided the solution with a battery and energy management system, without interfering with operations.
A leading European manufacturer of industrial components

A leading European manufacturer of industrial components

1 MWh/ 0.5 MW
This manufacturing company asked us to get them ready for the energy transition. Bnewable's Energy Management System (EMS) and battery provide additional revenue and energy savings - all without the customer having to invest. Bnewable takes care of the entire process, including the investment.
Indoor entertainment venue

Indoor entertainment venue

2 MWh/ 1 MW
This customer experiences a daily "window" of unused network connectivity and high spikes in energy consumption when there are long lines waiting to have fun. This dynamic allows Bnewable to participate in the flexibility market, support Elia's grid balancing and generate additional revenue. In this case, Bnewable's Energy Management System optimizes energy consumption, increasing revenue and generating significant energy savings.

Are we making an impact together?

With the development of Bnewable, our ambition is to contribute to Europe’s Green Deal and the Belgian National Energy and Climate Plan.

We believe in creating a forward-looking, renewable Belgian energy company focused on accelerating our customers’ energy transition to NET ZERO.

Bnewable is not an energy supplier. By storing your green energy and sending it where it is needed most, we create a sustainable impact for our customers, society and the planet.

energy storage