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Energy Storage Solutions

Tired of being at the mercy of fluctuating energy prices?

Behind-the-meter storage is just the solution for you to achieve 


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    Fit-for-purpose and evolutive solutions, now and tomorrow.
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    Attractive, stable and predictive green energy costs
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    Unburden you from market optimisation complexity
Our Solution
Bnewable specialises in investing, developing, and operating advanced large battery systems that can be used in conjunction with your existing or future Renewable energy installations.

Even without a local generation, a Bnewable battery system can provide you with multiple benefits by using our advanced ENERGY MANAGEMENT.

Different battery valorisation models

Market optimisation

Ancillary services and wholesale



Aligning green production with consumption



Guaranteed battery energy to reduce grid off-take peaks


Dynamic contract optimisation

Shifting grid offtake to moments of low prices
