management system

Automatically maximize your battery life

An operating battery is only useful when it is intelligently controlled. That’s why Bnewable developed its own energy management system (EMS) or energy management platform (EMP). Voltana automatically determines whether you consume your stored power yourself or trade it on the energy markets. Via the user-friendly dashboard, you easily track how much CO2 you save and how much profit you make.

The benefits of EMS

energy monitoring system

Smart energy management

An intelligent EMS decides between self-consumption or market optimization, depending on what is most practically and financially interesting.

energy monitoring system

Automatic trading

Voltana constantly analyzes available capacity and automatically executes bids, always in function of efficiency.

energy management system

Easy follow-up

The clear dashboard gives you instant visibility into your energy production, power consumption, CO2 reduction and more.

Take the test

The combination of batteries and EMS, also interesting for your business .

Bnewable places company batteries and connects them to our EMS Voltana. This ensures optimal management of your green power. Wondering what impact we have on your consumption and profits? Send us the answers to a few questions, and we will get to work on a proposal tailored to your company.

This is how an energy management system works

An energy management system or energy management platform is the software that controls your company’s batteries. It monitors battery charging and discharging, knows the margins between costs and profits on the energy markets, and predicts future production and consumption. In this way, it makes the best possible decision at every moment, so that your batteries perform optimally.

The entire process of energy management is automatic. Of course, that doesn’t mean you don’t have insight into your company’s energy performance. In Voltana ‘s clear dashboard, you’ll discover what your battery is currently doing. Is self-consumption or market optimization paying off the most? You can also view historical trends, graphs of your off-take or injection into the grid and how much CO2 you are saving.

How an EMS makes your life easier

You have 10 electric trucks that need to charge at the same time. That creates peak power, which may cost you a lot of money because of the capacity charge. That’s when our EMS Voltana makes sure the power in your battery goes to your vehicles. That peak shaving keeps your costs under control.

It’s a glorious summer day. Your solar panels are working overtime, but so are all the others. Because of the excess power generated, you have to pay to inject your power into the grid. That’s when Voltana decides to store your generated energy in your battery. Thanks to that energy storage, your power is available for later.

On a dark winter day, there is just another shortage of power. That creates another imbalance on the grid: demand exceeds supply. Our smart EMS then checks whether you have enough energy for your local needs. The rest Voltana trades at the most interesting price on the most interesting energy market. This way, automatic battery trading provides extra income.

energy management system
energy management system

Voltana, Bnewable ‘s energy management system

Bnewable has extensive experience in planning, installing and operating commercial batteries. Use of our EMS Voltana is always associated with battery installation. Call on our expertise for a more sustainable business and a cheaper power bill. Complete the B.scan or contact us for a conversation about your energy challenges.